Dec 10, 2005

December Simple Still Life

OK, so I'm a bit directionally challenged lately. I didn't do the Simple Still Life challenge in November, because there just simply were not five things alike that were remotely interesting appearing in my life. December's challenge is capture the light. I've been thinking about this all week and there's no getting around the fact that it's the quality of light OUTSIDE that has me fascinated right now. I like to lament the lack of color outside in the winter, but to be honest, a blanket of snow does all kinds of interesting things to the landscape. So, I failed at putting together a still life and instead I offer these two landscapes. After the snow last week, we went in the deep freeze. The cold is miserable, but I LOVE the sparkly ice crystals in the snow. No clue what will come of this or the tree photo below, but I did manage to capture two visual images that I've always loved. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Melissa said...

this one looks almost seductive.