I was going to say lazy Saturday morning, but by the time I finish writing this, it won't be morning anymore. We're enjoying our first Saturday WITH AshLee but WITHOUT getting up early to drive somewhere in quite a while. Ash got up at 8, she was so excited to spend the morning lounging on the couch watching tv. A little later we'll head in to town to see Harry Potter, but for now we're just enjoying the lounging.
Winter moved in for good this week and we have about 8 inches of snow covering everything. I was going to take a picture to post on the blog, but it's too cold and I'm too busy lounging.
I got two new quilting books this week, Color and Composition for the Creative Quilter by Katie Pasquini Masopust and Brett Barker and Nature's Studio by Joan Colvin. Wow, I'm in love with both of these books! Nature's Studio is a wonderfully chatty discussion about developing a personal style. I've been doing quite a bit of mental thrashing around about this subject and this book is providing quite a bit of the guidance I've been looking for. As for Color and Composition, it's like Art 101 in a book for art-uneducated quilter wannabes like me. Instead of short abstract discussions about principles like line, balance, etc., it offers a series of simple exercises that actually demonstrate how to use composition and color principles. I could feel light bulbs popping on over my head just reading through some of the exercises. Understanding these concepts in the abstract is all well and good, but knowing how to apply them to design something is something completely different. I think the exercises in this book may just help me make the connection between understanding the concepts and being able to use them. Yippee!
And now, for something completely different, please go say hi to my buddy
Melissa, who was just added to the Artful Quilters blogring this week!