Jun 24, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me Mostly

This post was supposed to be accompanied by a picture of the new Robbi Joy Eklow and Lesley Riley books that I ordered myself for my birthday, but they aren't here yet. Drat. Other than that and having to work, I can't complain though. I had lunch with 2 girlfriends from the old job, got ice cream cake and a card from the gals at the new job, happy birthday phone calls from my parents, my daughter and one of the Judges at the new job, and in a few minutes we're going to the fabulous Artist Cafe, the local Filipino restaurant where they will stuff me full of delicious food and treat me like a birthday queen. Oh yeah, and my darling husband told me this morning that I'm halfway to 70. ROFL! Happy Birthday to Me!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday...from a fellow northwester...have a great time..Ginger

Deb R said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! :-)

Debra said...

Happy birthday to you. (geez, you reminded me... this is my brother's birthday, too)...