Jun 28, 2006

Too much fun...

Just for the record, I am diligently working on the red/green quilt that I have to hurry up and get done. I do a bit of that and then I goof off a bit with some of this:

I slapped some paint on some white fabric last night and then tonight I puttered around with stamps. I love doing surface design stuff like this. Next I'll add some embroidery.

Cool as this is, I was still only having a reasonable, rational amount of fun with it until I downloaded the picture to post to the blog. I hit the tint button in Picasa and that's when I came up with this:

And this:

Could I get some yardage of this please?

And of course I need that in green:

Wow, it may be time to break out the fabric printer sheets...

1 comment:

Karoda said...

yeap, fabric sheets!