I love the topics Loretta Marvel over at
pomegranatesandpaper chooses for her List Fridays. This week's task is to list your favorite flowers. Wow, flowers are one of my very favorite things...how could I resist playing along?
I tend to like old-fashioned flowers, perennials that come back year after year, spreading and spilling over, filling up the garden with exuberant splashes of color. Here, with illustrations from my garden, are just a few of my favorites:

Bleeding Heart

Purple Coneflower. I love anything that looks like a daisy.

These iris go back at least as far as my great-grandmother's garden in the 1950's. I love that something so delicate and beautiful comes from such tough, hardy stock.

Lupine is a common wildflower in the Cascade Mountains in Washington. They remind me of backpacking with my grandparents.

I'm a June baby so roses are always my favorite. This is a shrub rose, much less fussy than the fancy hybrids. Also one of the first things I planted, this was a housewarming gift and it has grown to enormous size.

Violets are so delicate and so purple. These ones are a serendipity plant - I didn't plant them, they just appeared on their own. Not sure if they tagged along with some daylilies from my grandma's yard or if they just blew in on the wind. Either way, they make me happy.