19.4 inches in 24 hours, 24 inches total over 36 hours. My trusty Saturn handles really well in the snow, but Thursday I couldn't get out of my driveway. No worries, as my office, along with the rest of the city was closed. The MALLS were closed! The state patrol told everyone to stay home unless they had a major emergency.
Friday was a snow day as well...everyone was still stuck. Pistol and I went for a very short walk to check out the snow.
Mostly we hung out on the couch, crocheting and cuddling.
I've had so many friends from outside the area call to see if I'm ok - remembering my snow sagas of last year and how they usually matched whatever was happening in Spokane as reported by the news. I think all of Sandpoint is using telepathy to drive the systems to the south - we only got 7" to your 24. I almost feel guilty...almost!
The snow is oh-so-deep here, too -- we asked my nine-year-old son to pack down the snow piles by the driveway, so that we wouldn't have to lift our shovels quite so high! Love the photo of your kitty investigating the snow. I hope you can stay warm and safe -- happy holidays to you!
Merry Christmas from snowy (but not quite that snowy) Washington State.
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