Feb 5, 2007

It's been months since I posted a silly cat photo...

So here's the little guy checking out the frozen tundra. He's an indoor kitty who goes out in the morning to get the paper and he's NOT supposed to cross the street, but this was just too funny and I couldn't resist snapping a photo before I grabbed him and threw him back in the house.

Thank you so much to the folks who have left such kind and supportive comments this last month. I'm still not creating much (although I did learn to knit - scarves are nice and mindless). I have ideas and I think about making things but I just don't have a lot of gumption these days. Hopefully soon, and in the meantime, well, I'm getting a lot of episodes of Alias watched.


His Office, My Studio said...

Cute kitty checking out the snow. Enjoy your time and when you miss creating then you know it is time to get back to work. Enjoy knitting it is alot of fun.

The Idaho Beauty said...

Sorry to hear you have a conflict and can't come to my open house. But yes, we'll have to set up a time when the weather is less iffy. I think I feel like your cat!

Melissa said...

Pistol would like a pair of snow boots, please? :-)

Love you, Nik!!