Way back in 2005, I started artquiltplay. Way back in a different life. I loved blogging and I loved my blog, my own little space on the web to share my art and my stories. And I still do love blogging and this artquiltplay blog. But my life has changed in big and amazing ways and I've been neglecting artquiltplay for a lot of reasons that mostly add up to the fact that it doesn't quite fit my life anymore. And at the same time, I have been feeling pulled to let my light shine, to share my gifts. I've learned a lot these past few years and I'm ready to start telling those stories (if nothing else I need to get them written down because I can't keep them organized in my head!).
And so I begin anew with my new blog nikkidaisy. I've changed things up a bit, working to create a space that is a better fit for my life and my world as they are now. I'll still share my artwork and my adventures, , but I'll also include more of my stories and my perspective, things I'm thinking about and things I'm learning. It's far from perfect and I'll probably tinker with it for a while, but one of those things I've learned is that if I wait around for something to be perfect, I'll never start. The photo above is the first page of my current art journal, you know, that first page that has to be so amazing that I usually end up leaving it blank?
So please come on over! Have a glass of wine, relax and please share your thoughts in the comments. I can't wait to see and share where this new adventure goes!
Check out the new blog over here.