Ah, the lure of a new year. So much possibility, so many things I'd like to do. It's always tempting to commit to a year-long project - for several years it was the block-of-the-month quilts, now it's the many incarnations of make-art-every-day/week/month. And I do want to make art and be creative every day. But I don't want to lock myself into a specific project or format.
As I look forward, I realize that this year I have two things that I haven't had in the past. First, my time is my own. And second, I finally know what I want to make. I'm bursting with ideas and I'm finally reaching a point where I'm comfortable with my own techniques, my own ideas, my own style. I'm transitioning to just making stuff instead of wasting a bunch of time worrying whether my ideas are good enough.
And so, armed with my time and my ideas, my resolution for this year is: MAKE A LOT OF ART. Don't worry about good or bad or external considerations like shows, etc., just make stuff.
The "stuff" in the picture is a cover for a weekly planner that I made for a friend on New Year's Day. It's a nice start.